Free Math Worksheets

Hello! Welcome to Free Math Worksheets, known as, a place that provides more than 1,000 math worksheets for students, teacher and professors. You can download printable math worksheets for FREE and make your job easier. All worksheets are placed on the right side of the website, sorted in alphabetical order and divided into larger groups.
Teachers and professors! Are you looking for math worksheets, exams or tests? You can easily download them! Those worksheets are sorted by difficulty – the first ones are very easy or easy, then medium, hard and very hard. For example, let us say you are looking for printable math worksheets on multiplication. They have been placed in the right sidebar under the headline “Integers, Decimals and Fractions” under the name Multiplying.
Note: To open and download worksheets, you need to have Adobe Reader installed.

Each exam has a 30 unique math tasks that can be downloaded for free. These exams are placed in the first table.
In the second table are worksheets that contain tasks designed for students. Each math worksheet has 800-1200 unique tasks designed for repetition so you can check what you learned.

Math practice

Math is the language of the Universe. It can be used to describe laws of nature, calculate the growth of your savings over time or even bake a tasty chocolate cake. It is the ultimate form of expression, but people mostly find it intimidating. Often it doesn’t come as naturally to people as other forms of expression do and it sometimes seems downright alien. But math is worth learning. And it is worth learning well.

The key to being good at math is practice. Practice enables you to get better and faster at solving problems and it helps build your confidence. Due to busy day-to-day schedules we face all the time, it is necessary to streamline our work and study activities and be as efficient as possible in doing them. Enter the worksheets.

Free Math Worksheets Categories

Basic mathematical operations Numbers Geometry Equations
1.Addition and subtraction 1.Naming decimal places 1.The Pythagorean theorem 1.One-step equations
2.Multiplying 2.Verbal expressions in algebra 2.Angles 2.One-step equations – word problems
3.Divisibility and factors 3.Rounding numbers 3.Triangles 3.Two-step equations
4.Order of operations 4.Convert percents, decimals and fractions 4.Quadrilaterals 4.Two-step equations – word problems
5.Greatest common factor 5.Simplifying numerical fractions 5.Circle 5.Multi-step equations
6.Least common multiple 6.Proportions and similarity 6.Solid figures 6.Polynomial
7.Squares and square roots 7.Percent 7.Multiplying polynomials
8.Calculating percents
Inequalities Graphing Linear Equations
1.Inequalities 1.Coordinates 1.Writing a linear equation
2.One-step inequalities 2.Graphing linear equations 2.Systems of linear equations
3.Two-step inequalities 3.The distance formula 3.Linear systems – word problems
4.Multi-step inequalities

Worksheets for students and teachers – math worksheets for our use!

Worksheet is usually a sheet of paper or a text file on a computer on which problems are solved and the answers are recorded. They are often used in education by students to help them review what they have learned in class. Teachers like to use them sometimes because they are an efficient tool for students to practice newly acquired skills. Worksheets are easy to make so they save teachers some valuable preparation time, as well as time students would lose by writing down the problems for themselves, or copying them from a book or a blackboard.

math worksheets

Worksheets are a very versatile tool and there are lots of different types of worksheets, depending on the subject in question. One can be made for almost every subject imaginable, such as math worksheets, biology worksheets, chemistry worksheets, history worksheets… Depending on the subject at hand, worksheets can contain “fill-in-the-blank” questions, maps, word problems or diagrams.
For example: if you study geometry or trigonometry, the worksheet can contain pre-prepared drawings and diagrams which make it easier on you because you do not have to draw them from scratch. If you are learning algebra or differential equations, the sheet should contain appropriate mathematical expressions for you to solve. If your area of study is statistics, your worksheet will come with tables and data.

Worksheet generators

Also, software, such as worksheet generators, can be used to create worksheets more efficiently. Worksheet generators are particularly useful in generating math worksheets. They are often used by teachers to prepare tests or study materials. They are easy to use, mostly free and they have the ability to cover a wide range of topics, especially when it comes to math, statistics and similar subjects.

Printable worksheets

You can also download pre-prepared, ready-to-solve worksheets from sites like this one. These standardized worksheets make both teaching and learning easier, while saving time and effort you would otherwise spend on making them yourself. They are easy to download and free to use. These sheets are also printable, which makes your life even simpler. Using printables and other printed materials makes your proximity to a computer irrelevant because you can study and solve your problems anywhere you go. Call it the “old fashion way”, if you want to.
It is easy to incorporate worksheets into lesson plans. You can make worksheets to accompany almost every lesson imaginable. If you do not feel like making new spreadsheets for your students every time, internet has a huge and diverse selection of math worksheets.

Teachers! Prepare students for tests!

Now, if you are a teacher, you are probably wondering can worksheets be used not just to prepare the students for tests, but also to prepare both tests and pop-quizzes? The answer is – yes, they can. Let us illustrate the point with an imaginary scenario.

Suppose that you are a math teacher and you are preparing a test for 20-30 students. If you are preparing the test the old fashioned way and with only one group of questions, it will take you anything from half an hour to a couple of hours to do it, depending on the complexity of the subject matter. If you want to change the numbers a bit and add another group of questions to make cheating a bit harder, it is going to take at least twenty percent longer to do it. Now let us say that you chose to use a worksheet generator. You can choose the type of problems you want on the test and then just use a random number generator to change the numbers a bit. You can prepare a test with different numbers for each and every student in just a fraction of time you would need to do it the old fashion way! There is no loss of test quality, every problem is equally difficult, cheating is very impractical and you save time and effort.

The same procedure can be used when preparing practice sheets for your students. You can prepare customized worksheets before every lesson in a matter of minutes. You can send those worksheets to your students using email or a file sharing website. Then they can download them and practice at home. Even send them the worksheets as homework. Or your students can use the generators to create their own worksheets (math worksheets in our case) and use them for study and practice, if they want to.

Although people are usually wary of the “quick and easy solutions”, standardization and the ever growing presence of technology that suppresses live social interaction and the need for making an effort – in this case, technology is your friend. You are still the brain of the operation, the quality of the final product depends on you and the way you use it – the software just does the grunt work. Think of it as a trade off – you lose a certain amount of work, but you gain life. Life in the form of free time, which you can use to forget about menial tasks and do something you really want to do. All because you have broadened your mind and took a more efficient way. You can use the solutions present here and take education to a new level, where you don’t waste valuable school time on copying texts and tasks from the blackboard or taking dictation, but use it to learn and understand. The possibilities with math worksheets are endless!


I specialize as a Business Maths Tutor, guiding students to excel in mathematical principles tailored for business applications.

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